Angular Components
Table of contents
- Prerequisite
- Step 1 : Open the Angular to any ide or text editor you want
- Step 2 : Make an Components Folder inside the angular app
- Step 3 : Go to app.component.html and do this mark up language code
- Step 4 : Make the 50 components
- Step 5: Copy this code to your main.ts file
- Step 6: Do this code to your app.module.ts file
- Step 7: Delete the standalone and import in the app.component.ts file
- Step 8: The Output
- Github Repository Link
- This step by step guide on how i made my 50 angular components
Angular CLI Install with npm libraries and make an angular app
cmd or git bash or any terminal you can use to commit the project
Github Repository
Step 1 : Open the Angular to any ide or text editor you want
- open it to see the code inside
Step 2 : Make an Components Folder inside the angular app
- go to src/app then create a new folder name it Components
Step 3 : Go to app.component.html
and do this mark up language code
<h1>50 Angular Components:</h1>
<a routerLink=" "><h3>1. Display Hello World</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/showhellobutton"><h3>2. Show Hello Button</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/displayname"><h3>3. Display Name</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/counter"><h3>4. Counter</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/simpleform"><h3>5. Simple Form</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/userage"><h3>6. User Age</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/usergreeting"><h3>7. User Greeting</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/calculator"><h3>8. Calculator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/textlength"><h3>9. Text Length</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/currencyconverter"><h3>10. Currency Converter</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/evenoddchecker"><h3>11. Even or Odd Number Checker</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/wordreverser"><h3>12. Word Reverser</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/showdate"><h3>13. Show Date</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/showusername"><h3>14. Show Username</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/multiplicationtable"><h3>15. Multiplication Table</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/simplelogin"><h3>16. Simple Login</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/fahrenheittocelsius"><h3>17. Fahrenheit To Celsius</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/bookmarklist"><h3>18. Bookmark List</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/charactercounter"><h3>19. Character Counter</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/palindromechecker"><h3>20. Palindrome Checker Word</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/temperatureconverter"><h3>21. Temperature Converter</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/shoppinglist"><h3>22. Shopping List</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/factorialcalculator"><h3>23. Factorial Calculator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/todomanager"><h3>24. To do Manager</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/guessnumbergame"><h3>25. Guess The Number Game</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/wordcounter"><h3>26. Word Counter</h3></a>
<a routerLink="randomnumbergenerator"><h3>27. Random Number Generator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/multiplicationchecker"><h3>28. Multiplication Checker</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/uppercaseconverter"><h3>29. Uppercase Converter</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/wordshuffler"><h3>30. Word Shuffler</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/bmisolver"><h3>31. BMI Solver</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/usernamevalidator"><h3>32. Username validator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/interestcalculator"><h3>33. Interest Calculator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/compoundinterestcalculator"><h3>34. Compound Interest Calculator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/fibonaccigenerator"><h3>35. Fibonacci Generator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/oddsumcalculator"><h3>36. Odd Numbers Sum Calculator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/currencyformatter"><h3>37. Currency Formatter</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/randomquotedisplay"><h3>38. Random Quote Display</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/uppercasegreeting"><h3>39. Uppercase Greeting</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/divisiblechecker"><h3>40. Divisible Checker</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/passwordgenerator"><h3>41. Password Generator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/simplequizgame"><h3>42. Simple Quiz Game</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/savetextfile"><h3>43. Save Text File</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/savepdffile"><h3>44. Save Text to PDF file</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/randomcolorgenerator"><h3>45. Random Color Generator</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/beattheboss"><h3>46. Beat The Boss Game</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/takeaverageoffournumbers"><h3>47. Take Average of Four Numbers</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/areaofcirclesolver"><h3>48. Area of Circle Solver</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/areaofspheresolver"><h3>49. Area of Sphere Solver</h3></a>
<a routerLink="/animelistadder"><h3>50. Anime List Adder</h3></a>
<h1>50 Angular Components Output:</h1>
- This will be the navigation link bar for the components
Step 4 : Make the 50 components
- Make the 50 components so that the 50 navigation link bar from app.component.html will be use to make it use the command
ng generate component foldername/componentname
- So because we have components folder inside the angular app we will use it to save the 50 components like
ng generate component components/showhellobutton
ng generate component components/displayname
ng generate component components/counter
- Do this pattern until it become 50 components to know the component name use the routerLink name from app.component.html
Step 5: Copy this code to your main.ts
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
.catch(err => console.error(err));
Step 6: Do this code to your app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {RouterModule, Routes} from '@angular/router';
import {CommonModule} from "@angular/common";
import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from "@angular/platform-browser/animations";
import {AppComponent} from "./app.component";
import {provideAnimationsAsync} from "@angular/platform-browser/animations/async";
import { DisplayhelloworldComponent } from './components/displayhelloworld/displayhelloworld.component';
import { ShowhellobuttonComponent } from './components/showhellobutton/showhellobutton.component';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import { DisplaynameComponent } from './components/displayname/displayname.component';
import { CounterComponent } from './components/counter/counter.component';
import { SimpleformComponent } from './components/simpleform/simpleform.component';
import { UserageComponent } from './components/userage/userage.component';
import { UsergreetingComponent } from './components/usergreeting/usergreeting.component';
import { CalculatorComponent } from './components/calculator/calculator.component';
import { TextlengthComponent } from './components/textlength/textlength.component';
import { CurrencyconverterComponent } from './components/currencyconverter/currencyconverter.component';
import { EvenoddcheckerComponent } from './components/evenoddchecker/evenoddchecker.component';
import { WordreverserComponent } from './components/wordreverser/wordreverser.component';
import { ShowdateComponent } from './components/showdate/showdate.component';
import { ShowusernameComponent } from './components/showusername/showusername.component';
import { MultiplicationtableComponent } from './components/multiplicationtable/multiplicationtable.component';
import { SimpleloginComponent } from './components/simplelogin/simplelogin.component';
import { FahrenheittocelsiusComponent } from './components/fahrenheittocelsius/fahrenheittocelsius.component';
import { BookmarklistComponent } from './components/bookmarklist/bookmarklist.component';
import { CharactercounterComponent } from './components/charactercounter/charactercounter.component';
import { PalindromecheckerComponent } from './components/palindromechecker/palindromechecker.component';
import { TemperatureconverterComponent } from './components/temperatureconverter/temperatureconverter.component';
import { ShoppinglistComponent } from './components/shoppinglist/shoppinglist.component';
import { FactorialcalculatorComponent } from './components/factorialcalculator/factorialcalculator.component';
import { TodomanagerComponent } from './components/todomanager/todomanager.component';
import { GuessnumbergameComponent } from './components/guessnumbergame/guessnumbergame.component';
import { WordcounterComponent } from './components/wordcounter/wordcounter.component';
import { RandomnumbergeneratorComponent } from './components/randomnumbergenerator/randomnumbergenerator.component';
import { MultiplicationcheckerComponent } from './components/multiplicationchecker/multiplicationchecker.component';
import { UppercaseconverterComponent } from './components/uppercaseconverter/uppercaseconverter.component';
import { WordshufflerComponent } from './components/wordshuffler/wordshuffler.component';
import { BmisolverComponent } from './components/bmisolver/bmisolver.component';
import { UsernamevalidatorComponent } from './components/usernamevalidator/usernamevalidator.component';
import { InterestcalculatorComponent } from './components/interestcalculator/interestcalculator.component';
import { CompoundinterestcalculatorComponent } from './components/compoundinterestcalculator/compoundinterestcalculator.component';
import { FibonaccigeneratorComponent } from './components/fibonaccigenerator/fibonaccigenerator.component';
import { OddsumcalculatorComponent } from './components/oddsumcalculator/oddsumcalculator.component';
import { CurrencyformatterComponent } from './components/currencyformatter/currencyformatter.component';
import { RandomquotedisplayComponent } from './components/randomquotedisplay/randomquotedisplay.component';
import { UppercasegreetingComponent } from './components/uppercasegreeting/uppercasegreeting.component';
import { DivisiblecheckerComponent } from './components/divisiblechecker/divisiblechecker.component';
import { PasswordgeneratorComponent } from './components/passwordgenerator/passwordgenerator.component';
import { SimplequizgameComponent } from './components/simplequizgame/simplequizgame.component';
import { SavetextfileComponent } from './components/savetextfile/savetextfile.component';
import { SavepdffileComponent } from './components/savepdffile/savepdffile.component';
import { RandomcolorgeneratorComponent } from './components/randomcolorgenerator/randomcolorgenerator.component';
import { BeatthebossComponent } from './components/beattheboss/beattheboss.component';
import { TakeaverageoffournumbersComponent } from './components/takeaverageoffournumbers/takeaverageoffournumbers.component';
import { AreaofcirclesolverComponent } from './components/areaofcirclesolver/areaofcirclesolver.component';
import { AreaofspheresolverComponent } from './components/areaofspheresolver/areaofspheresolver.component';
import { AnimelistadderComponent } from './components/animelistadder/animelistadder.component';
const routes: Routes = [
{path: ' ', component: DisplayhelloworldComponent},
{path: 'showhellobutton', component: ShowhellobuttonComponent},
{path: 'displayname', component: DisplaynameComponent},
{path: 'counter', component: CounterComponent},
{path: 'simpleform', component: SimpleformComponent},
{path: 'userage', component: UserageComponent},
{path: 'usergreeting', component: UsergreetingComponent},
{path: 'calculator', component: CalculatorComponent},
{path: 'textlength', component: TextlengthComponent},
{path: 'currencyconverter', component: CurrencyconverterComponent},
{path: 'evenoddchecker', component: EvenoddcheckerComponent},
{path: 'wordreverser', component: WordreverserComponent},
{path: 'showdate', component: ShowdateComponent},
{path: 'showusername', component: ShowusernameComponent},
{path: 'multiplicationtable', component: MultiplicationtableComponent},
{path: 'simplelogin', component: SimpleloginComponent},
{path: 'fahrenheittocelsius', component: FahrenheittocelsiusComponent},
{path: 'bookmarklist', component: BookmarklistComponent},
{path: 'charactercounter', component: CharactercounterComponent},
{path: 'palindromechecker', component: PalindromecheckerComponent},
{path: 'temperatureconverter', component: TemperatureconverterComponent},
{path: 'shoppinglist', component: ShoppinglistComponent},
{path: 'factorialcalculator', component: FactorialcalculatorComponent},
{path: 'todomanager', component: TodomanagerComponent},
{path: 'guessnumbergame', component: GuessnumbergameComponent},
{path: 'wordcounter', component: WordcounterComponent},
{path: 'randomnumbergenerator', component: RandomnumbergeneratorComponent},
{path: 'multiplicationchecker', component: MultiplicationcheckerComponent},
{path: 'uppercaseconverter', component: UppercaseconverterComponent},
{path: 'wordshuffler', component: WordshufflerComponent},
{path: 'bmisolver', component: BmisolverComponent},
{path: 'usernamevalidator', component: UsernamevalidatorComponent},
{path: 'interestcalculator', component: InterestcalculatorComponent},
{path: 'compoundinterestcalculator', component: CompoundinterestcalculatorComponent},
{path: 'fibonaccigenerator', component: FibonaccigeneratorComponent},
{path: 'oddsumcalculator', component: OddsumcalculatorComponent},
{path: 'currencyformatter', component: CurrencyformatterComponent},
{path: 'randomquotedisplay', component: RandomquotedisplayComponent},
{path: 'uppercasegreeting', component: UppercasegreetingComponent},
{path: 'divisiblechecker', component: DivisiblecheckerComponent},
{path: 'passwordgenerator', component: PasswordgeneratorComponent},
{path: 'simplequizgame', component: SimplequizgameComponent},
{path: 'savetextfile', component: SavetextfileComponent},
{path: 'savepdffile', component: SavepdffileComponent},
{path: 'randomcolorgenerator', component: RandomcolorgeneratorComponent},
{path: 'beattheboss', component: BeatthebossComponent},
{path: 'takeaverageoffournumbers', component: TakeaverageoffournumbersComponent},
{path: 'areaofcirclesolver', component: AreaofcirclesolverComponent},
{path: 'areaofspheresolver', component: AreaofspheresolverComponent},
{path: 'animelistadder', component: AnimelistadderComponent},
imports: [
RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {enableTracing: true}),
declarations: [
providers: [
bootstrap: [
exports: [RouterModule],
export class AppModule{}
Step 7: Delete the standalone and import in the app.component.ts
- Do this so that you can use pathing in the
Step 8: The Output
Display Hello World - This component print Hello World when click
Show Hello Button - This component have button and when click it will print Hello World
Display Name - This component have an input type text and button and when click it will print your name
Counter - This component have a button that when click it will count all the clicks that happen
Simple Form - This component will print your details
User Age - This component will count your age based on your birthday
User Greeting - This component will greet you with personalized greeting
Calculator - This component is all about calculator
Text Length - This component will take the length of the string
Currency Converter - This component will convert Philippine Pesos to USD
Even or Odd Number Checker - This component will check if the number is Even or Odd
Word Reverser - This component will reverse the word
Show Date - This component will show the date and time
Show Username - This component will show your username
Multiplication Table - This component will make a multiplication table
Simple Login - This component will take username and password and login it
Fahrenheit to Celsius - This component will convert the fahrenheit to celsius
Bookmark List - This component will make your link an anchor tag
Character Counter - This component will count the character that you input
Palindrome Checker Word - This component will check if the word is palindrome or not
Temperature Converter - This component will convert celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa
Shopping List - This component will list all your shopping items
Factorial Calculator - This component will calculate the factorial
To do Manager - This component will make a to do list
Guess The Number Game - This component will make you guess a number
Word Counter - This component will count your words
Random Number Generator - This component will generate random number in specified range
Multiplication Checker - This component will check if the number one is multiple of number two
Uppercase Converter - This component will uppercase the string
Word Shuffler - This component will shuffle the words
BMI Solver - This component will take your BMI
Username Validator - This component will validate your username
Interest Calculator - This component is all about Simple Interest
Compound Interest Calculator - This component is all about Compound Interest
Fibonacci Generator - This component will generate a fibonacci sequence
Odd Numbers Sum Calculator - This component is all about odd numbers sum
Currency Formatter - This component will format your currency
Random Quote Display - This component will generate random quotes
Uppercase Greeting - This component will greet you with uppercase name
Divisible Checker - This component will check if number one is divisible in number two
Password Generator - This component will generate random password
Simple Quiz Game - This component will generate question and answer it
Save text File - This component will save your string in text file
Save Text to PDF file - This component will save your string to PDF file
Random Color Generator - This component will generate random color with hex
Beat The Boss Game - This component is a game where you need to beat the boss
Take Average of Four Numbers - This component will take the average of four numbers
Area of Circle Solver - This component will solve the area of circle
Area of Sphere Solver - This component will solve the area of sphere
Anime List Adder - This component will list all your favorite anime
Github Repository Link